Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 3

​​This is my third blog post in the Automating SharePoint Online using PowerShell + CSOM Series. In the last article we saw how to authenticate against SharePoint Online site and how to access Web and List using PowerShell + CSOM. Here is the blog post.

Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 1​

Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 2​

Just reiterate, we are going to create site columns and content types and then adding site columns to content type and then finally adding content type to list.

So in this blog post I am going to show you how to write a code to create a Content Types using PowerShell and CSOM.

Continue reading “Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 3”

SharePoint 2013 – Development Environment minimum requirements

For a change I am going to talk about SharePoint 2013 development environment. This is a common question when I present at different SharePoint Saturdays. What is my laptop specs. Well I use Lenovo W510 with i7 CPU, 32 GB or RAM and two 480GB SSD. This helps me run multiple VMs simultaniously.
But for the most developers they do not have luxury to get laptop with loaded resource. Typically they have 16GB of RAM. So here is my advsie if you want to start with running local SharePoint 2013 environment as VM.
First thing first, make sure you buy a faster SSD drive. This is must if you want to do development locally. This will help you big time.  With 16GB RAM and 480GB SSD is workable solution for your SharePoint 2013 VM. Using SSD makes a notable difference. You did not mention about your CPU but as long as you are i5 or above you should be fine as long as you tweak your SP 2013 environment for smooth performance. e.g. Don’t use Search Service or any other service unless it is required.
Actually a good list of items to keep in mind is posted in the following thread.
Given the fact 16GB is bit low on Memory (I mean for SP 2013 single server as VM ) you will have to play with memory allocation to see what gives you optimal performance where you can work on your host and guest.
Also when working with SharePoint 2013 make sure you dont create or start any service applications or services if you do not need them. e.g. if you do not need Performance Point service then dont create it. Save resources for SharePoint 2013 Search. 🙂
I hope this helps someone.

Hide Search Box and Views from List Admin Page in SharePoint 2013

In SharePoint when you click on the List Header or use some other way to navigate to List page you will notice that it will give you a search box on top of your list as well as in SharePoint 2013 it will also show you all the views as links.


This is accepted behavior for most but for some reason some people dont like to see these artifacts. In SharePoint 2010 you probably would have to use CSS hack to hide these unwanted things.

Continue reading “Hide Search Box and Views from List Admin Page in SharePoint 2013”

How to find list internal name in SharePoint 2013

​Someone asked me this question as to how can they find the internal name of the list in SharePoint 2013. I initially thought there will be internal name property for the field but there was none.

In the end PowerShell came to the rescue. You can run the following simple PowerShell script to get the internal name for any list in SharePoint 2013.

$web = GetSPWeb “”  // Replace web URL with your web. $list = $web.Lists[“Project Issues and Risks”] // Access list using its Title

WriteHost $list.Title  // This will return the title of the list WriteHost $list.Rootfolder.Name //This should return the internal name​

That is all it needs to get the List internal name.

Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 2

This is my second blog post in the Automating SharePoint Online using PowerShell + CSOM Series. In the last article we saw how to authenticate against SharePoint Online site and how to access Web and List using PowerShell + CSOM. Here is the blog post.

Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 1​

Just reiterate, we are going to create site columns and content types and then adding site columns to content type and then finally adding content type to list.

So today I am going to show you how to write a code to create a site column using PowerShell and CSOM.

Continue reading “Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 2”

SharePoint 2013 and Registering Workflow Manager

This one will be a quick post on Registering Workflow Manager in SharePoint 2013 environment.

​If you receive the following error during registration of the Workflow Manager then you might be running into the same issue as me.

Register-SPWorkflowService : Failed to query the OAuth S2S metadata endpoint at URI

I searched on this error and most people suggested creating host entry to the server because workflow manager could not connect to SharePoint Server. This was not my scenario given I was using Workflow Manager with SharePoint farm and all servers were able to connect each other.

After some searching I found the following blog post.

Now before executing these steps I wanted to confirm why we needed to do this. So on further research I came across the following blog post from Steve Peschka.​

Though it talks about setting up OAuth trust between farms it does mention one of the option which was also suggested in the blog above i.e.

if you are not going to be running your web apps over SSL, then you will need to set the AllowOAuthOverHttp property to true as well.  Here’s a little PowerShell that demonstrates how to set these properties:

$c = GetSPSecurityTokenServiceConfig

$c.AllowMetadataOverHttp = $true

$c.AllowOAuthOverHttp = $true


​After running these commands I was able to register workflow manager without any issue.