This is my second blog post in the Automating SharePoint Online using PowerShell + CSOM Series. In the last article we saw how to authenticate against SharePoint Online site and how to access Web and List using PowerShell + CSOM. Here is the blog post.
Automating SharePoint Online Tasks (O365) using PowerShell + CSOM – Part 1
Just reiterate, we are going to create site columns and content types and then adding site columns to content type and then finally adding content type to list.
So today I am going to show you how to write a code to create a site column using PowerShell and CSOM.
# ……START Authenticate………………..
#……..END Authenticate…………………
#……..START – Get Collection of fields ……………………
$web = $ctx.Web
$fields = $web.Fields;
#……..END – Get Web collection of fields……………
# Following code if needed if you want to check
#if the fields you are trying to create already exists or not.
#foreach ($field in $fields)
#Write-Host “”
#Write-Host $field.InternalName -ForegroundColor Yellow
#If Condition to check if field already exists
$fieldOption = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.AddFieldOptions]::DefaultValue
$fieldAsXML = “<Field ID='{4F34B2ED-9CFF-4900-B091-4C0033F89945}’ Name=’SessionTitle’
DisplayName=’Session Title’ Type=’Text’
Hidden=’False’ Group=’SPSBoston Site Columns’
Description=’SPS Boston Session Title Field’ />”;
$fld = $fields.AddFieldAsXml($fieldAsXML, $true, $fieldOption);
$fieldAsXML = “<Field ID='{4F34B2ED-8CFF-4900-B091-4C0033F89944}’ Name=’SessionDescription’
DisplayName=’Session Description’ Type=’Note’
Hidden=’False’ Group=’SPSBoston Site Columns’
Description=’SPS Boston Session Description Field’ />”;
$fld = $fields.AddFieldAsXml($fieldAsXML, $true, $fieldOption);
Write-Host “Done creating Site Column….” -ForegroundColor Green
The key in the above code is how you access the FieldOption object which is of type enum. Check the code #KEY-1 to see how you can set the enum values.
If you do not know the Enum values then you can simply use the following code to list all values.
Similarly when creating field if you do not know the different field types then FieldType is also Enum and you can get all available field types as
Rest of the code is self explanatory.
I hope this helps.